Yes, there is an alternative way to use the update page as an inline page instead of a button.
Users can create a new Visualforce page with a standard controller with the iframe code as follows and add it as an inline page on the respective page layout.
The following example shows the inline page for Contact Object:
- Create a visualforce page and provide the name.
- Add the following code and hit save.
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" title="Upload Cloud Documents" tabStyle="DragDropToCloud__Cloud_Documents__c" standardStylesheets="false" docType="html-5.0" standardController="Contact"> <apex:iframe src="/apex/DragDropToCloud__DragDropUploader?id={!}&isdtp=mn"/> </apex:page>
You can further customize the page with the default bucket, folder name, or access type pre-selected by adding the following URL parameters in the iframe URL:
- newBucket - use this URL parameter to set the default bucket
- newFolder - use this URL parameter to set the default folder name
- accesslevel - use this URL parameter to set the default access level.
The resultant URL looks like - /apex/DragDropToCloud__DragDropUploader?id={!}&isdtp=mn&newBucket={bucket_name}&newFolder={folder_name}&accesslevel=private
- The bucket, folder, and access level selection settings must be enabled on the settings page in order to use these parameters.
- Bucket selection is available beginning with version 2.7.