To set up Content Security Policy Trusted Sites in Salesforce, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Salesforce Org and open the Setup page.
  • In the quick find box, search for "Security" and select "CSP Trusted Sites".
  • Click on "New Trusted Site" to create a new trusted site
    Fill in the following details:
  • Trusted Site Name: Enter a name for the trusted site.
  • Trusted Site URL: Enter the URL for the trusted site, using the format "https://[StorageAccountName]". Replace [StorageAccountName] with the actual name of your storage account
  • Check all the boxes under CSP Directives to allow all content security policy directives for this trusted site.
  • Click on "Save" to save the trusted site
  • By following these steps, you can configure a trusted site in Salesforce for Content Security Policy and specify the necessary details, including the name, URL, and directives. Remember to replace [StorageAccountName] with the appropriate name for your storage account.