To update the content of the OTP (One-Time Password) email, you can provide an English translation to override the Custom Label value. Follow the steps to achieve the same:

1- Navigate to Setup and search for "Custom Labels" in the quick find box and select UCU Custom Labels View.


2- From the list of Custom Labels, search for UCD_OTPEmailBody1, UCD_OTPEmailBody2, and UCD_OTPEmailBody3

These three labels are the labels that are used to create the Verification OTP Email body.


3- The Email Image below will help you to understated which label represent which line,

  • UCD_OTPEmailBody1 - "Dear"
  • UCD_OTPEmailBody2 - "To ensure security, we need to verify your identity. Please enter the following verification code - "
  • UCD_OTPEmailBody3 - "This is automated email, please do not reply." 


4- Now go back to the Custom labels and click one by one on the name of the Custom label which you want to update.


5- Then click on the "New Local Translations/Overrides" button.


6- The following screen will come up  - In Languages, select English and in Translation Text add your desired text. and click Save.

  • Now edit the second Label UCD_OTPEmailBody2 -

  • Then last label UCD_OTPEmailBody3 -

  • Now your OTP email will have the updated value.