Yes, the Mass Assign Permissions app has an "Export to Excel" feature that lets you export the list of users with their assigned licenses for a specific package. This feature makes it easy to manage and analyze licensing information outside the app's interface, offering added convenience for users.

Steps to Export Users with Assigned Licenses of the specific package:

  • Go to the Mass Assign Permissions app.
  • Select the "Mass Assign Package License Permissions" tab.
  • In the "Select Package Name" dropdown, choose the packages to which you want to export licenses
  • In the "Select User Name" dropdown, select the specific users or you can choose from UserRole Name, Profile Name, or Group Name.
  • Click the "Fetch User Package Licenses" button.
  • The table with the selected packages and users will be rendered.
  • Click on the "Export to Excel" button.
  • The app will then initiate the download of an Excel spreadsheet containing the details of users who have been assigned or not assigned licenses of the selected package. 
  • The Excel file will be downloaded to your machine, and you can find the information about the selected packages and the users to whom they have been assigned within the spreadsheet.