To update custom field labels and their translations using the Quick Update Translations app, follow these steps:
- Open the "Quick Update Translations" app and navigate to the "Quick Update Translations" tab.
- From the "Select Entity to Translate" section, choose "Custom Fields".
- This will open the "Update Custom Field Translations" page.
- In the "Select Object" section, select the object for which you want to update the custom field labels and translations.
- In the "Select Custom Fields" dropdown, select the specific custom fields for which you want to update the translations.
- Under "Select Language", choose the languages for which you want to add or update translations.
- Click on the "Fetch Custom Field Translations" button.
- The page will display a table with the selected custom fields and languages.
- Update the master labels and translations as per your requirements in the table.
- Click on "Save Custom Field Translations" to save your changes.
By following these steps, you can easily update custom field labels and their translations in different languages, ensuring that your Salesforce instance is fully localized and user-friendly for users of various language preferences.