To update translations of custom tabs, follow the below steps:
Open the "Quick Update Translations" app and navigate to the "Quick Update Translations" tab.
- From the "Select Entity to Translate" section, choose "Custom Tabs". This will open the "Update Custom Tab Translations" page.
- In the "Select Tabs" section, pick the tabs for which you want to update its translations.
- Under "Select Language", choose the languages for which you want to add or update translations. Then, click the "Fetch Custom Tab Translations" button.
- The page will display a table with the selected tabs and languages.
- To update the translations, update the values in the respective language columns.
- After making the necessary changes, click the "Save Custom Tab Translations" button.
- If the update is successful, you'll receive a success message on the screen and you can also verify your translations by clicking on the links associated with the tabs' names.