You can update the master values of Custom Links and Buttons using the "Quick Update Translations" app. Follow these steps:
- Open the "Quick Update Translations" app and navigate to the "Quick Update Translations" tab.
- From the "Select Entity to Translate" section, choose "Custom Links/Buttons".
- This will open the "Update Custom Link/Button Translations" page.
- In the "Select Object" section, select the object for which you want to update the custom Links and Buttons labels
- In the "Select Links/Buttons" dropdown, select the specific custom link/button for which you want to update the master labels.
- As you want to update only master labels, no need to select any language from "Select Languages"
- Click on the "Fetch Custom Link/Button Translations" button.
- The page will display a table with the selected custom links/buttons.
- Update the master labels as per your requirements in the table.
- Click on the "Save Link and Button Translations" button to save your changes.
By following these steps, you can easily update the master values of custom Links and Buttons.