If your salesforce records contain Notes and Attachments and you wish to download Notes in bulk using the "Mass File Download" AppExchange App, then you must take the following actions. 

1. Go to the "Mass File Download" Tab.

2. Select the Object from where you want to download Notes.

3. Select Search Mode, "List View," "Search," Or "Advanced Search(SOQL)" Depending on your preference, choose.

4. Click on "Filter," select "File Type," and then File

5. Click the "Serch" button.

6. You will now see every Snote result in the result table, and you may download all of the searched Notes by clicking the Download button.


If your salesforce records contain Files, Notes, and Attachments and you wish to download only Notes in bulk using the "Mass File Download" AppExchange App, then you must take the following actions. 

1. Go to the "Mass File Download" Tab.

2. Select the Object from where you want to download Notes.

3. Select Search Mode, "List View," "Search" Or "Advanced Search(SOQL)." Depending on what you prefer, you can choose.

4. Click on "Filter," select "File/Attachment Extension," and Equal To "snote"

5. Click the "Serch" button.

6. You will now see every Snote result in the result table, and you may download all of the searched Notes by clicking the Download button.