User can disable SNotes download from both MassFileDowloadlightningComponent and Mass File Download Related Files lightning components. 

Follow the steps:

  • Go to the record page where MassFileDowloadlightningComponent and Mass File Download Related Files components are added.
  • Click on the gear icon and select Edit Page, this action will open the app builder page.
  • To disable Notes from the MassFileDowloadlightningComponent component:
    • Click on the "Detailssubtab.
    • Click on the component and set the "Do not show Snotes" checkbox to true.
    • Click on "Save".
  • To disable Notes from the Mass File Download Related Files component:
    • Click on the "Related" subtab.
    • Click on the component and set the "Do not show Snotes" checkbox to true.
    • Click on "Save".

By following these steps, you can effectively disable the download of the SNotes in both MassFileDowloadlightningComponent and Mass File Download Related Files Lightning Components.