To download Child object and child of child Objects Files in Bulk using Mass File Download (Record Detail Page Lightning Component), follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Mass File Download Tab:
    • Go to the tab where you have added the Mass File Download (Record Detail Page Lightning Component) component.
  2. Select Object:
    • Choose the primary object from which you want to download the files using the first dropdown.
  3. Select List View or SOQL Search Mode:
    • Use the second dropdown to select either a List View or SOQL search mode based on your requirement.
  4. Select Related Objects:
    • From the "Select Related Objects" dropdown, choose the related object from which you want to download files.
  5. Select Child of Child Objects:
    • In the "Select Related of Related Objects" dropdown, select the child of child objects to download files.
  6. Search  Files:
    • After making your selections, click on Search button.
  7. Download Files:
    • To download files, click on the "Download Files" button .

By following these steps, you can efficiently download files in bulk from Child objects and even child of child Objects using the Mass File Download (Record Detail Page Lightning Component) .